I am majoring in Education and need to find state approved textbooks for my assignment. Does the Library have any?


At one point, the AUM Library did have state approved textbooks in our collection. It is still possible, we do. The easiest way to see if we have a state approved textbook is to search by the title of the desired textbook in our Library Catalog.

If we do not have the item you need, ILL may be an option.  You can search WorldCat to see what other libraries have and make requests for those items through our Interlibrary Loan service.  While some requests may take longer than expected (due to how the pandemic has affected operations at the lending libraries), your requested items should be delivered for your pick-up to the AUM Library Circulation Desk.

  • Last Updated Oct 05, 2020
  • Views 34
  • Answered By Tim Bailey

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