Why can't I access the full-text for this article? It was published only a few months ago.


Sometimes, publishers do not allow their most recent publications to be available full-text in library databases.  The goal is not to lose the revenue generated by individual subscriptions; publishers depend on the sales of a journal (either in print or as an e-journal) to stay in business.

The good news is that, given a little time, Interlibrary Loan can probably get that needed article to you.  You can find more information about that service--and place a request--via this link: https://libguides.aum.edu/ILL

Google Scholar--https://scholar.google.com/--is another option.  Sometimes, you can find recent articles there via Open Access databases.  If the article is available, there will be a link to the right of the search result.

  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2020
  • Views 46
  • Answered By A.D. Griffith

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