Why can't I access the internet in the Library?


If you are a student, you access the WiFi with the same credentials that you would log into your AUM e-mail.  Type in your username (minus the @aum.edu) and password and look for the WarHawk WiFi network.

IF you are still having trouble (and you are using a Chromebook or MacBook), you may need to take additional steps.  In your settings, select 'PEAP,' 'MSCHAPv2,' and check the box next to 'Do not validate certificate.'  Then attempt to connect again.

If this doesn't help, you will likely need to contact ITS for further help.  Their phone number is 334-244-3500.


If you are a guest, you'll need a guest username and password to access the WiFi. These are available at the Library's Reference Desk (on the 2nd floor).

  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2021
  • Views 344
  • Answered By A.D. Griffith

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