I want to check out a book and have it's call number. How do I find it in the Library?

The catalog just says AUM Library Tower (3rd - 5th Floors).


In the Library, you'll see signs next to the elevators showing how the circulating collection is divided among the three floors:
          A-HA....................... 3rd Floor 
          HB-PN 4887............ 4th Floor 
          PN 4888-Z............... 5th Floor

Books with call numbers beginning with letters A through HA will be on the 3rd floor.  Books with call numbers HB through PN 4887 will be on the 4th floor, etc.

Please text us at 334-384-1851 if you need help in the physical library! 

  • Last Updated Sep 16, 2020
  • Views 16
  • Answered By A.D. Griffith

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